©2004-2008, Quantum Laboratories, Inc.. All rights reserved.



Currently Active Clinical Trials (2004)

Quantum Laboratories is currently or will soon begin recruiting individuals that qualify for the following clinical trials. Please click on the appropriate link for important additional information on each of these studies.

Alzheimer's Dementia

Vascular Dementia

Mild Cognitive impairment (MCI)

Panic Disorders in Adolescents

Schizoaffective Disorders


Bipolar Disorders

Major depressive disorders with psychotic features

For more information please call (561) 687-2111



Our facility identifies and recruits appropriate patients and monitors them during the study. If you qualify and consent to participate, there will be no charge for your study medication and office visits. Additionally, you are responsible for attendence to regular scheduled appointments.


During any one-year period, up to 50 million Americans suffer from clearly diagnosable mental disorder involving a degree of incapacity that interferes with employment, attendence at school or daily life.